Judaic Studies
Boys Division - Torah Prep School of St. Louis
A warm atmosphere pervades the boys’ school, where studies begin in 2nd grade. In our Limudei Kodesh program, the rebbeim serve as walking role models. They infuse the talmidim with a love of learning Torah and with a desire to display middos tovos. The concern and love the rebbeim display are tangible and students know that they care.
The whole child is addressed and the rebbeim find ways to make each talmid achieve success and feel good about himself. The boys are introduced to critical thinking skills, whether they are learning Chumash, Mishna or Gemara. They take their work seriously, striving for excellence. The davening at our morning minyan plays an integral role in teaching our talmidim the basics of tefillah b’tzibur.
The overall goal is to provide a wholesome environment focusing on the social, academic and emotional needs of each student and building their skill levels so that they can begin mesivta with confidence. We are proud to share that many yeshivos seek our talmidim for their institutions because of the well-rounded background our boys receive at Torah Prep.
The curriculum builds on itself from the start of 2nd grade and progresses sequentially through 8th grade:
Shorashim – In 2nd grade, talmidim are introduced to and master 100 shorashim. Each year, these shorashim are reviewed and new shorashim are added to the list. Eventually talmidim become thoroughly familiar with 250 shorashim before graduating.
Chumash – Starting with Parshas Noach in 2nd grade, the talmidim cover most of the parshios sequentially through Sefer BaMidbar by 7th grade. Rashi letters and his commentary are introduced in 3rd grade. Eighth grade learns Chumash through the parshios of the week, as a review of all they learned the past seven years.
Yedios Klalios – There is a formal program beginning in 2nd grade using a workbook to teach basic Jewish knowledge. As the boys advance from year to year, more basic Jewish knowledge is added and previous material is reviewed.
Mishna – The learning of Mishnayos begins in 3rd grade with Maseches Rosh Hashanah and continues in 4th grade with both Meseches Sukkah and Maseches Yoma.
Gemara – The boys begin learning Gemara in 5th grade, starting with Perek Elu Metzios (the second perek in Baba Metzia). Talmidim are taught the style and intricacies of the Gemara. They are made familiar with the language and the nuances of critical thinking. In 6th grade, talmidim are taught Perek HaKoneis (the sixth perek of Baba Kama) and introduced to the majority of Rashi in Gemara. In 7th grade, talmidim learn the first two perakim of Makkos with Rashi and are introduced to several Tosofos. In 8th grade, talmidim learn the first perek in Gittin, as their skill level continually develops.
Tefillah – Several grades have adopted The Tefillah Power program into their curriculum. Each week, a specific area of Be’ur Tefillah is focused on with a theme that relates to strengthening one’s emunah. The curriculum begins with Adon Olam and concludes with Shemonah Esrei over a span of four years.
Navi and Dinim – At Torah Prep, we follow the standard dictates of most Jewish day schools. Beginning in 4th grade through 7th grade, the boys learn from Sefer Yehoshua through Shmuel Bais. For dinim, in addition to learning the halachos pertaining to each yom tov, the curriculum includes hilchos Shabbos, tefillin, tefillah, tzitzis, and brachos.
Co-Curricular Programming
Middos Programs - There are four core values that Torah Prep has adopted as the framework for the middos and behavioral expectations in every area of school throughout Torah Prep. These values are Kavod – respect; Achrayus – responsibility; Chesed – kindness; and Dibbur b’Nachas – refined speech. The first letters of these four middos are the acronym of the K’Echad, “like one,” which is essentially the purpose of this framework – to foster a feeling of achdus and harmony throughout the entire Torah Prep experience. There are various programs over the course of the year where a certain area of school is highlighted and focused on. Additionally, individual classes participate in various middos programs sponsored by the Chofetz Chaim Heritage foundation.
Masmidei Hadaf/Mishnayos -To further encourage the boys to achieve mastery of the Gemara or Mishnayos that they are learning in school, they are given the opportunity to sign up to be tested by the menahel. Those who demonstrate proficiency in the material receive a stipend (as a reward). Their picture is also displayed in the weekly school newsletter and their name goes on the special bulletin board.
Finish a Masechta - The 7th-grade boys finish the first two perakim of Makkos in school. An optional shiur given by a kollel rabbi provides the boys the opportunity to learn the third perek in the evening and make a siyum on the mesechta.
Evening Seder - The 8th-grade boys have an official night seder supervised by their rebbe on most school nights. Some 7th graders choose to learn with their chavrusa and attend this seder, as well.
Mishmar - One Thursday night a month, the boys in 7th and 8th grade are invited to learn in the school Bais Medrash, hear inspiring words from a guest speaker, and enjoy cholent prepared by the boys themselves.
Elul Tishrei Initiative (ETI) - This initiative was developed to emphasize the importance of self-improvement during the month of Elul. During a kickoff motivational assembly, each boy chooses a personal kabbalah. Students who fulfill their daily commitment can earn “ETIckets” for a special raffle.
Masmid Gavoha - Students in the 7th grade participate in Masmid Gavoha, a national 10-week program that tracks learning outside of school hours. The beauty of this program is that it’s accessible to all students, regardless of academic abilities, since its focus is on hasmada as opposed to performance on tests. The program culminates with an exciting, Torah-focused trip to Chicago, where the boys attend a program banquet with other schools in the greater area.
Sfira Machsom L’fi - During the time between Pesach and Shavuos, students focus on improving the way they speak to others. After a kickoff assembly highlighting concepts pertaining to v’ahavta l’raiyacha kamocha (loving your fellow Jew), students track their progress in shmiras halashon on a daily basis.