Message From Our Leadership
Rabbi Tzvi Freedman
Executive Director
Rabbi Binyamin Travis
Torah Prep was started in 1987 with six young children and has evolved into a flourishing day school with more than 310 students, the largest Jewish day school in the state of Missouri. Much has transpired over the years to contribute to our growth and success, but the main contributing factor is undeniably the bracha of our administration and talented staff.
Our faculty at Torah Prep School is comprised of some of the most sincere, dedicated and accomplished academic professionals and rebbeim anywhere. Indeed, the school, administration and faculty have received and continue to receive ongoing recognition for their achievements (see awards).
The pursuit of excellence exhibited by our staff is largely what’s behind the innovative and rigorous education that students receive at Torah Prep School. Our graduates go on to the finest yeshivos and seminaries. They earn advanced degrees and are sought after by employers in all industries. They develop into caring, confident, mature individuals with a strong Jewish identity and sterling middos. They walk into adult life as committed, passionate and productive members of the Jewish and wider community.
Many of our students have returned to St. Louis to start their own families. In 2005, for the first time, a child of an alumna attended Torah Prep. We are continuing to teach the second generation: with a growing number new students each year who are children of alumni from the St. Louis Jewish day schools.
To see first-hand what makes our school so special, call to schedule a tour. We look forward to meeting you.